Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dates For Your Diary

Keep a lookout for future updates to this list.

30 MAY (evening) - South Sector Drill Competition

31 MAY - Remus Horse Sanctuary Open Day (set-up only)

01 JUN - Inter Wing Athletics (Cdt Brookes only)

15 JUN - Wing Parade

20 - 22 JUN - Stock Fete

28 - 29 JUN - Belgium Trip

02 AUG - Remus Horse Sanctuary Open Day (set-up only)

06 SEP (evening) - Inter Squadron Swimming

06 - 07 SEP - Remus Horse Sanctuary Open Day

08 NOV - Poppy Appeal Collection

09 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade

16 NOV - Inter Squadron Cross Country 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Wing First Aid Competition Results

Well done to the members of our first aid team who today attended the Wing first aid competition. Out of the 27 units in the Wing, 16 put an entry forward into the competition. The Wing First Aid Officer commented that "the standard of the competition was high" and the points were very close indeed.

We came in 10th place with a total of 82 points. 1st place goes to 276 (Chelmsford) with 121 points and 2nd place went to 1096 (Bishops Stortford) with 113 points. Both these teams will represent Essex Wing at the Regional Field Day.