Saturday, December 12, 2015


First parade for cadets will be Thursday 7th January 2016

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Leading revision

This link below is your revision guide to the third subject.

Airmanship revision guide

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Our Recent Successes

After a very busy weekend of the South Sector Drill Competition and Inter-Squadron Swimming Competition I am very happy to announce the following successes.

Banner Drill - 1st in South Sector

Our Banner Team will now go forward to the Essex Wing finals this weekend.

Cdt Goodwin - 1st junior boys breaststroke
Cdt Mitchell - 3rd senior girls backstroke and freestyle
The points gained from these medals meant we came:
3rd in Essex Wing for junior boys swimming
3rd in Essex Wing for senior girls swimming

This is an excellent achievement for both cadets; Cdt Goodwin will now go to the Inter-Wing competition and represent Essex Air Cadets.

Well done also to Cdt Attridge for his participation in the event, it would have been good to see more of our cadets attending this.

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Two “AVIATION” packed weeks in Florida, USA
Be a part of the Worlds 2nd Largest Fly-in.
Open to all London and SE Region Cadets & Staff

Cadets must be 16 years old on the date of departure

30th March – 13th April 2016

Cost : £999
(includes Insurance, Flights, Accommodation, Food & Transport)
If you would like to apply or know more, visit our website:

There are additional costs, so view the website

You must apply through the Officer Commanding 2393

Before applying, make sure you can take time off school / work

Closing date 12th Sept 2015

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Dates For Calendar

Note the following dates for your calendar:

25 JUL - 01 AUG - Cyprus adventure training camp
25 JUL - 01 AUG - Drill and ceremonial camp
02 AUG - Nostalgair at North Weald
08 - 09 AUG - L98A2 training and WHTs
11 - 18 AUG - Gibraltar blue camp
24 - 27 AUG Silver D of E expedition
28 - 29 AUG - Operation Trafalgar
05 SEP - South Sector drill competition
06 SEP - Donkey Derby
06 SEP - BASIC course
12 SEP - Wing field day
24 - 31 OCT - RAF Valley (blue camp)
24 - 31 OCT - Green camp
07 NOV - Fireworks night
08 NOV - Remembrance Sunday

Tuesday, June 09, 2015


The letter sent out via cadets last week failed to mention there is a £5 per head for adults attending the Saturday evening , for food
Please enclose this with your return slips

As the Squadron printer is currently out of action, we cannot send this out in letter form

Please watch this blog for information on timings and uniform for this evening

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Armed Forces Day

The squadron will be taking part in Armed Forces Day at an event combined with Baslidon and Wickford Squadrons. An event sheet will be placed on the notice board for you to confirm your attendance.

I expect a high level of participation; this is a very significant event especially with the 100th and 70th anniversaries of the beginning of WWI and the end of WWII.

Sgt R Davis

Friday, May 08, 2015

JNCO Course Briefing Details

Dress: No2B
Squadron opens at: 08:30
Inspection at: 09:00
Bring a packed lunch
You will need a notepad and pen

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Falklands Team Forms

All Falklands Team cadets need to print and complete the following:
Activities consent form

Everyone also needs to complete the medical declaration form, those with no conditions just write NONE:
Medical declaration form

If there are any questions, staff will be at the squadron from 18:00 tomorrow.

Also remember to bring your food calorie list as briefed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Change Of Uniform For Thursday 23 APR 2015

A decision has been taken to change the uniform for tomorrow's parade night:

Junior Cadets will remain the same - No2C
Group 3 (Cilmbing wall) will remain the same - sports kit
Groups 1 and 2 - No2C with sports kit in a bag

Monday, April 20, 2015

Inter Squadron Athletics

We had an excellent day at the Essex Wing Inter Squadron athletics competitions yesterday with 5 cadets from the squadron participating.

In the senior girls competitions:

Brookes came 5th in the 800m.
Mitchell came 1st in the 100m, 2nd in the 200m and 2nd in the long jump.

These results combined put 2393 5th in Essex Wing for the senior girls category.

In the B boys competitions:

Andrews came 4th in the high jump.
Boyle came 7th in the 800m.
Cpl Donley came 2nd in the discuss, 3rd in the 400m and 4th in the shot put.

And in the C boys competitions:

Wilby came 2nd in the discus.

The achievements were excellent and all go towards 2393's achievement in 2015. There does still need to be more participation from other cadets in the squadron. We had no entry in the A boys category (12-15 age group), which dropped us down the league table significantly. Our squadron has 7 boys who were eligible for the A category; I am hoping for a greater turnout in our next sporting competition, which is the inter squadron swimming. Dates will be advised once advertised.

Very well done to all cadets that participated this year.

Sgt R Davis

Monday, April 06, 2015

Summer Time Parade Nights

In preparation for the foot and banner drill competitions the parade night start time now moves to 19:00 so that we can make best use of the lighter evenings. Please be at the squadron in good time ready to start first parade.

We are not going into shirt sleeve order yet; remain in jumpers until further notice.

Sgt R Davis

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



We will require about 5 or 6 cadets to assist clean up on Sunday morning

It will finish no later than 12 noon

Unfortunately, if there are not enough volunteers on Thursday (tomorrow), we will have to clear away everything from the scout hut immediately after dinner, and before the disco.  Not an ideal situation

Make sure you check with parents that you can attend on the Sunday morning before offering your services 

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Process For Reporting Leave

We have had an increase in cadets reporting leave incorrectly. To clarify, if you are absent from a cadet night the following procedure should be adhered to.

1. You know in advance that you will be absent.
ACTION: Fill in a leave of absence form, these are found on the cadet notice board in classroom one. Hand the completed form to a Cadet NCO.

2. You are going to be absent but you've not handed in a leave of absence form.
ACTION: Call the squadron, preferably before 19:30hrs and report your absence. Uniform for the next parade night can then be told to you over the phone. A message can be left on the answering machine if you call before staff arrive.

If the above procedure isn't followed you will be marked as absent without leave.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Dates For The Calendar

Note the following dates for your calendar:

25 JAN - Inter Wing cross country (Cdt Wilby)

01 FEB - ATC Sunday parade
08 FEB - Inter Wing junior hockey and football
29 JAN - Funeral for ex-staff member Mr Crafer
20 FEB (16:00) - 22 FEB (15:00) - Essex Wing L98A2 shooting camp (times are approx)
13 MAR - Essex Wing presentation evening
14 MAR - Dining in night
15 MAR - Inter Wing rugby and netball
29 MAR - 01 APR - Silver D of E expedition (actual)
11 - 18 APR - Cyprus blue camp
19 APR - Inter Squadron athletics
24 - 26 APR - Inter Squadron Falklands competition
09 - 10 MAY - Fieldcraft training camp
31 MAY - Inter Wing athletics
19 - 21 JUN Stock fete
04 - 11 JUL - Llanbedr adventure training camp
05 JUL - Wing activities day (provisional)
25 JUL - 01 AUG - Cyprus adventure training camp
11 - 18 AUG - Gibraltar blue camp
24 - 31 OCT - RAF Valley (blue camp)
24 - 31 OCT - Green camp

Friday, January 16, 2015

RAF STEM Work Experience Camp

Easter 2015 STEM Camp for Year 10s

This is an advance notice that the ACO will be hosting a STEM Camp (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) over the period 6-10 Apr 2015. The capacity is 60, it will be held at RAF Cranwell and whilst it is aimed at Yr 10s we will consider cadets from Yr 9 up.

Welcome to the world of Engineering

There is no better way to experience the power of engineering than by seeing it first hand how it solves real life problems. This course teams you with RAF and Industrial engineers, who will guide you through every step of the process.

What you will be doing:

  • Design and building products using a range of different materials. 
  • Learning the practical applications of the techniques and processes you will be using.
  • Understand the importance of budgets in the developing designs and materials, allowing you to calculate the financial impacts of your decisions.
  • Working alongside real engineers from the industry drawing on there knowledge and putting your new skills into practise.
  • Gain valuable employment skills, working in a team, communication, time management, problem solving, planning and presentations.

What is expected from you?

  • Full participation
  • Willing to learn and enjoy

Interested? Then request an application form.

Thursday, January 08, 2015

(Royal International Air Tattoo) RIAT Camp

Dates: 14 - 21 JUL 2015
Location: RAF Fairford

This camp is during school term, you need to ensure that you can get time off school.

Please advise if you want a place by next Thursday.