The new Cadet Portal is due to go live for Essex squadrons this coming Monday 2nd December.
We have been going through a process of requesting updated contact information so that cadets will be e-mailed login information for the cadet portal on that day.
Whichever e-mail address is stored against a cadet will be sent a welcome e-mail on Monday.
If no e-mail is received on Monday, please check your "SPAM" folder in case it has been directed in there. If it still isn't found, it may be that we have the e-mail address incorrectly and they should let us know as soon as possible.
In the mean time, there are a couple of videos that have been produced by the development team for cadets and parents alike.
We strongly suggest cadets to take the time to watch the cadet briefing video (28 minutes long!) and that parents watch at least the briefing for parents (2 minutes long!)
Click on the links below: