Sunday, October 20, 2013

Activities w/c 21 OCT 2013

Tuesday 22 OCT - Parade night 1st half at Emmanuel Church
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 24 OCT
- All cadets: No2C 
- New Recruits: School Uniform
This Tuesday The Padre has arrange for Reverend Paul Carr to talk about his work with Operation Christmas Child and how he lead the distribution of the gift boxes in Belarus, Crimea and Ukraine. The presentation starts at 19:30 hrs and will finish at 20:15 hrs. Second half of the evening will take place at the squadron ending at the usual time. NOTE TO CADETS: This isn't a church service and is only taking place at Emmanuel for the convenience of space, full attendance is expected.

No activities

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
02 NOV - Fireworks night at Lake Meadows
03 NOV - Lake Meadows clean-up (morning) - We need all cadets to help with this
04 NOV 19:30 hrs - Remembrance Sunday banner rehearsal (Deacon T and Donley)
09 NOV - Poppy Appeal collection. Cadets will do either AM or PM shift TBA. - MANDATORY
10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade - MANDATORY
17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country