This event will take place over the weekend 1 - 4th August
Fri afternoon from 16.00 will be the set up phase
Saturday is a static display where members of the public can come in and look around
Sunday from 15.00 - 17.00 is a concert, with a sing-a-long section of old WW1 songs
There will be a short commemoration of those who died from Billericay, and our cadets will read the roll of honour
Sunday evening there will be a remembrance service from 19.30 hrs THIS IS MONDAY NOT SUNDAY
4 or 5 cadets will be required on Fri, 16.00 hrs at SHQ. End Ex approx 18.00
Saturday approx 16.00 4 or 5 cadets to assist setting up for the next days events
Sunday from 14.30 hrs At least 8 cadets (Especially those who came on the last Belgium visit) to attend the concert and read out the roll of honour
Monday : Attend the service being run by the Squadron Padre (Some cadets may be required during the day to assist in taking down the exhibition)
3pm for the taking down of the exhibition before the 7.30 service
You are more than welcome to attend these events. Sunday concert is free, BUT you must have a ticket, these can be obtained from the council offices. However, any one who lets me know before next tues, I can get some as I will be at a meeting re this event. Messages left on the answer machine will suffice and I will pick them up prior to the meeting (14.00 hrs).