Date 12 – 18 Feb 2017 (School half term)
The above camp will focus on WW2 and the Cold war. In previous years we have run this very successful and enjoyable camp. There are numerous visits to sites, most of which have a guided tour
The WW2 part of the camp focuses on the “Final solution “. including a visit to either Sachsenhausen or Ravensbruuck concentration camp.
The cold war section focuses on the Berlin wall and the occupying powers, including a visit to the prison run by the secret police.
Other sites visited :
Wannsee conference
Nuclear bunker and second world war bunker
Site of gestapo HQ during WW2
HQ where the army plotted to kill Hitler
Checkpoint Charlie
Accomodation will be in a youth hostel. The cost is for dinner, bed and breakfast, lunches are financed by cadets themselves
Cost = £250. This is heavily subsidised by the Squadron Association
A non – refundable deposit of £70 will be required by end October
Thereafter, £50 per month (2 months) and a final payment of £80
A letter will go out tonight (8th Sept) to gauge the interest
If there is sufficient interest, the camp will go ahead