As you all heard at dining in night we were very pleased to be able to enter a team into the Falklands competition this year, despite them being a non-competing team as they didn't meet the eligibility criteria. A total of 31 teams entered and we came 22nd overall, which is a good position considering the circumstances and little training we did. All team members were awarded deservedly a Squadron Commander's Certificate of Merit, well done everyone. The results for each activity are listed below.
Overall position: 22nd
Navigation exercised: 17th
Kit check: 27th
Map reading: 5th
Archery: 1st
First aid: 29th
Campcraft: 30th
Shooting: 17th
Initiative test: 19th
Bearings: 28th
Speed march: 25th
Air rifle: 5th
Missile race: 19th
Static target marking: 23rd
Observation test: 16th