Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Operation Christmas Child

The Squadron will be involved with the charity Operation Christmas Child again this year. This is a charity that sends decorated shoe boxes filled with gifts to those children in countries far less fortunate that our own. Most of these children will have never received a Christmas present in their lifetime. More information about the charity can be found on their website.

We are encouraging each cadet to decorate a shoebox and fill it with appropriate gifts. Boxes can contain any of the following:
  • Toiletries
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Flannels
  • Combs
  • Brushes
  • Sweets: haribo or boiled sweets but NOT chocolate
  • Small toys: tennis balls, cards, dominoes, teddies
  • Educational equipment: pens, paper, pencils, colouring books, rubbers, pencil sharpeners
  • Woollens: hats, scarves, gloves
Leaflets will be made available at the squadron, which contain more ideas and instructions on how to complete your box. The pound shop in Billericay has many items on sale that are appropriate.

Boxes need to be handed into the squadron by 13 NOV.

We will also be attending a shoe box packing morning on 15 NOV. Any volunteers for this activity will be appreciated.