Many of you are away at ATLC or have leave over half term, therefore the briefing for this years poppy collection is below. The event has been advertised on final parade for many weeks, so shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
This event is mandatory and all cadets are expected to attend. Absence will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances, explained in writing from a parent / guardian. As yet no letters from parents / guardians have been received.
Date: SUNDAY 02 NOV 2014
The day will be split into 2 shifts:
- Ferriss Flight 10:00hrs until 13:30hrs
- Bader Flight 13:30hrs until 17:00hrs
Arrival / collection:
- From the Squadron
- No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumpers)
- Uniform is to be of the highest standard
- Foul weather jackets are to be bought
Food and drink:
- The AM shift are to ensure they eat breakfast before attending
- The PM shift are to ensure they eat lunch before attending
- Cadets are to bring a bottle of water with them