Friday, December 27, 2013

Corps Air Rifle Competition Round 1 Results

The results from round 1 of the National Air Rifle Competition are in and I'm very please indeed! There are 19 teams comprising of 56 cadets involved with the competition.

We have entered two teams as follows:
Team A: Johnfinn, Wilby and Deacon A
Team B: Cpl Deacon T, Cpl Thorne and Teichman

Team Scores (Round 1)
Team A - 1452 / 1800 - 5th
Team B - 1379 / 1800 - 7th

Individual Scores (Round 1)
Johnfinn - 497 / 600 - 14th
Wilby - 490 / 600 - 15th
Cpl Thorne - 474/600 - 20th
Teichman - 467 / 600 - 23th
Deacon A - 465 / 600 - 25th
Cpl Deacon T - 456 / 600 - 28th

Very well done to all 6 cadets, excellent scores and lets look forward to climbing further up the leader board for round 2. If any of you are interested in seeing the full scoring list of the other teams please let me know.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Llanbedr Adventure Training Camp

1312 (Southend) Squadron are arranging an adventure training camp to Llanbedr in North Wales. The dates for this are 05 APR 2014 to 12 APR 2014. Note these dates conflict with the Falklands Competition.

The camp is open to all enrolled cadets who are at least 14 years of age and physically fit. The cost is £130, which includes food, accommodation and activities.

Activities include:
  • Hill walking
  • Mountain biking
  • Canoeing
  • High ropes
  • Orienteering
  • Pony trekking
An activities list will be placed on the notice board and you will be required to return a cheque for £50 payable to '1312 ATC Squadron'.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Well done and a big thank you to all cadets and staff who packed and donated a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Today we dropped off our boxes and stayed to pack even more at the Church. All these types of activities get us noticed in the community, go towards our submission to Essex Wing for the George Leonard Cup (for the Squadron community involvement) and makes a difference to a good cause. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Remember to bring your shoeboxes up to the Squadron by Thursday 14th at the latest. 

You need to include a £3.00 donation, which you can either do by placing cash in the envolope attached to your leaflet, or by paying online and printing your reference number off. I personally paid online, it's quite simple and more of your money will go direct to the charity.

If anyone doesn't have a shoebox then you can still get all your gifts together. We'll take them to the Church and pack them into a box there.

We will also be attending the shoebox collection and packing day on Saturday 16 Nov. Rev Paul Carr, Padre and myself would really appreciate some help on this day. We will be meeting at the squadron for 10:00 and you can stay to help for as long as you are able to do so. Parents are also welcome to attend if they want to.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Dates To Note

Be aware of the following:

14 NOV - Bring your Operation Christmas Child boxes in - See leaflet handed out today for more information.

16 NOV - Operation Christmas Child, packing of gift boxes at Emmanuel Church. Rev Paul Carr would appreciate some cadet help to pack additional boxes.

16 NOV - CWC Quiz night - Would be great to see some cadet teams entered. Submit these to the CWC during canteen.

17 NOV - Inter Squadron Cross Country - Help represent 2393 against all squadrons in Essex!

23 NOV - Shooting Team Air Rifle Competition Round 1 - 1hr 30min slots

30 NOV - L98A2 shoot at RAF Honington

Remembrance Weekend

Sat 09 NOV - Poppy Appeal
Ferriss Flight: 09:00 - 12:30.
Bader Flight: 13:00 - 16:30.

Dress is No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumper).
Eat Breakfast / Lunch BEFORE you attend as you will be standing for a long period of time.

Sun 10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday
08:30 at the squadron.
Dress is No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumper).

Church service starts 09:15 at Emmanuel Church - Parents Welcome.

Parade will move off from Laindon Road at 10:30 - Again Parents Welcome.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Climbing Wall Tuesday 05 NOV 2013

The following cadets will be attending the climbing wall on 05 NOV 2013:
  • Andrews
  • Barker
  • Boyle
  • Deacon A
  • Goodfellow
  • Horner
  • Smith
  • Wilby
These cadets are to attend squadron at 19:00 hrs and are advised to bring a bottle of water.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Activities w/c 28 OCT 2013

Tuesday 29 OCT
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 31 OCT
- All cadets: No2C 
- New Recruits: School Uniform

From now until after 11 NOV all staff and cadets will wear a poppy when on ATC duties. This is to be worn in the position of the right breast pocket. This applies to all types of uniform. You can buy a poppy from Mr Kent on a parade night.

Saturday 02 NOV - Fireworks night, Lake Meadows. Briefing to take place this week at squadron.
Sunday 03 NOV - Lake Meadows clean-up. We need all cadets to help with this. Briefing to take place this week at squadron.

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
04 NOV 19:30 hrs - Remembrance Sunday banner rehearsal (Deacon T and Donley)
09 NOV - Poppy Appeal collection. Cadets will do either AM or PM shift TBA. - MANDATORY
10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade - MANDATORY
17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country
30 NOV - L98A2 short range shoot

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Activities w/c 21 OCT 2013

Tuesday 22 OCT - Parade night 1st half at Emmanuel Church
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 24 OCT
- All cadets: No2C 
- New Recruits: School Uniform
This Tuesday The Padre has arrange for Reverend Paul Carr to talk about his work with Operation Christmas Child and how he lead the distribution of the gift boxes in Belarus, Crimea and Ukraine. The presentation starts at 19:30 hrs and will finish at 20:15 hrs. Second half of the evening will take place at the squadron ending at the usual time. NOTE TO CADETS: This isn't a church service and is only taking place at Emmanuel for the convenience of space, full attendance is expected.

No activities

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
02 NOV - Fireworks night at Lake Meadows
03 NOV - Lake Meadows clean-up (morning) - We need all cadets to help with this
04 NOV 19:30 hrs - Remembrance Sunday banner rehearsal (Deacon T and Donley)
09 NOV - Poppy Appeal collection. Cadets will do either AM or PM shift TBA. - MANDATORY
10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade - MANDATORY
17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Activities w/c 07 OCT 2013

Tuesday 08 OCT
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 10 OCT
- All cadets: No2C
- New Recruits: School Uniform

No activities

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
13 OCT - BASIC course (staff cadets, staff and CWC)
19 OCT - Billericay town council litter pick.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Activities w/c 30 SEP 2013

Tuesday 01 OCT
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 03 OCT
- All cadets - Sports kit
- New Recruits: School Uniform

05 OCT - L98A2 short range shoot. 
Cadets to be at the squadron ready for a 07:00 hrs departure, dress No3 with DPM jacket, packed lunch, snacks and drinks required for the whole day, 3822. Expected return to squadron is 19:00 hrs. There will be no service stops on route or opportunities to visit the shop on station, therefore bring all the food and drink you require.

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
13 OCT - BASIC course (staff cadets, staff and CWC)
19 OCT - Billericay town council litter pick.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tonight's Shooting Results

No marksmans to award this evening, results detailed below.

Trying for Wing or Regional Marksman:
Thorne - 53 / 70
Deacon T - 47 / 70
Teichman - 40 / 70
Deacon A - 35 / 70

Trying for Squadron Marksman:
Johnfinn - 50 / 100
Wilby - 30 / 100

Rapid Practice Competition:

Thorne - 49 / 100
Deacon T - 45 / 100
Johnfinn - 40 / 100
Teichman - 40 / 100
Wilby - 27 / 100
Deacon A - 21 / 100

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ivory Rooms Dinner

It's not too late to reserve places at the CWC's Ivory Rooms meal. The Chairman will be at the squadron tomorrow to accept any last minute returns.

Remember all are welcome, cadets, parents, family and friends.

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Activities w/c 09 SEP 2013

Tuesday 10 SEP - No3
Thursday 12 SEP - Shooting team No3, all remaining cadets No2C

No activities

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
16 SEP - Civilian Welfare Committee fund raising dinner. Returns due ASAP
22 SEP - L98A2 training
28 - 29 SEP - Snowdon adventure training - Cadets to bring £50 deposit by Tues 10 SEP, final payment is £40 due Tues 24 SEP
05 OCT - L98A2 shoot at RAF Honington


As briefed, cadets who have put their names down to attend the Snowdonia Adventure Training Camp are to bring the £50 deposit in cash by Tues 10 SEP. The final balance of £40 is due by 24 SEP.


I please to tell everyone that we have a potential 7 cadets joining us on 12 SEP 2013. Should you know of any other people who want to join then we need their details by 10 SEP 2013 so they can be contacted and appropriate documents made ready for them.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Fun Walk Sponsor Monies

I've been informed by the Civilian Welfare Committee that we have had a very poor return of sponsorship money for the John Barron Fun Walk.

The following cadets HAVE returned their sponsorship:

Smith C

This means 12 cadets haven't returned sponsorship money. These funds go towards providing you with equipment and opportunities, therefore it was detailed that all cadets will raise sponsor money.

If all remaining 12 cadets raise even £20 each that will be an extra £240 towards the total.

Well done to the cadets who have returned their money; several of you even managed to raise over £100!

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Marksmans 01 AUG 13

The following cadets achieved a level of marksman on the air rifle as follows:

Deacon T - 375 / 400 - Corps Marksman
Thorne - 185 / 200 - Regional Marksman
Deacon A - 180 / 200 - Regional Marksman

Well done to all, see me for required badges on Tuesday.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Marksmans From Tonight's Shoot

Deacon T: Squadron 90/100 and Wing 57/70

Deacon A: Squadron 85/100

All targets will be available to collect on Tuesday.

Well done.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dates For Your Diary

24 AUG - L98A2 range day (TBC)

30 - 31 AUG - Fieldcraft training and JNCO course camp (TBC)

01 SEP - Donkey Derby

07 SEP - Inter Squadron swimming competition

15 SEP - North Weald air show

22 SEP - Senior sports trials

28 - 29 SEP - Snowdonia adventure training weekend

26 OCT - 02 NOV - Green Camp

17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country

19 JAN - Junior sports and 5 a-side trials

John Baron Fun Walk Money

The Civilian Committee has informed me that the only cadets who have paid sponsorship money are:


This is a very poor return, we are still waiting for money from 12 cadets. This needs to be returned to without any further delay as the money has to be returned to the John Baron Fund.

Sunday, July 14, 2013



Friday, July 12, 2013


You will all have received a letter on Thursday concerning the following
Funeral of Ronald Howells
He was the flight engineer of A Lancaster Bomber of 103 squadron. On the night of 20th December 1943 over Frankfurt at the age of 20, he was shot down and captured together with the other two survivours, the pilot and the navigator.  The navigator did not survive and died from phnumonia, the concentration camp in which the skipper and Ronald were in was overun by the Russians who were reluctant to release prisoners of war at the end of hostilities. However, after some months Ronald and his Skipper decided to make a run for the American lines, which was highly dangerous, as the Russians were inclined to shoot first and ask questions afterwards. However they did manage to reach American lines 

His funeral will be at Gt Burtsead next Thur 18th.  Parade at Squadron in uniform No2 10.30

The padre has requested that we form a Guard of honour on the approach to the church and at the cemetry

Please show the letter to your parents.  I need to know if we can accomodate the family wish to have RAF uniforms at the service.  I will need a definite answer by Tuesday

Sunday, July 07, 2013

ACO League Air Rifle Competition Final Results!

The full results are now in for the completed national air rifle competition. A total of 120 cadets and 33 teams took part in this competition. Being the first year we entered this competition I think we achieved very respectable results, which we will only continue to improve on.

It took a lot of time and commitment from the cadets to enter all the rounds of this competition shoot, so well done to all!

Team Results (Overall - Rounds 1 - 5)

Team A - 14th
Team B - 20th

Individual Results (Overall - Rounds 1 - 5)

FS Longman - 34th
Wilby - 50th
Deacon T - 52nd
Deacon A - 53rd
Thorne - 57th
Johnfinn - 83rd (Joined competition in round 3, replacing Cdt Moore)

Monday, July 01, 2013

Dates For Your Diary

14 JUL - Wing parade (all to attend)

30 - 31 AUG - Fieldcraft training and JNCO course camp (TBC)

01 SEP - Donkey Derby

07 SEP - Inter Squadron swimming competition

15 SEP - North Weald air show

28 - 29 SEP - Snowdonia adventure training weekend

26 OCT - 02 NOV - Green Camp

17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country

Green Camp

For those cadets who have put their names down to attend green camp this year, please return your deposit of £50 by this Thursday. Cheques to be made payable to 2393 Billericay Squadron ATC.

Consent forms will be distributed once places are confirmed and final payment will be called for nearer towards October.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Reference Materials for Master Cadet Examination

Below is the complete list of the Master Cadet examination syllabus

Pilot Navigation
Air navigation and navigational aids
Map reading
Flight planning

Principles of Airframes
Airframe design
Manufacturing technology
Wings and tailplane
Hydraulics and pneumatics

Reference Materials For Senior Cadet Examinations

Below is the complete list of the Senior Cadet examination syllabus

Air Navigation
Distance, speed and time
Triangle of velocities
1 in 60 rule

Aircraft Handling and Flying Technique
Aircraft maintenance
Ground handling
Prep for flight
General flying
Aerobatics and formation flying

Senior Cadet Revision Material

Remember there is still time to complete these revision tests, I haven't been seen any yet!

Note: They display best when downloaded to your computer. You can do this from the file menu. I can also print copies at the squadron if you require.

Complete these at home and email your answers to I will respond with feedback as soon as I can.

Senior Cadet Air Nav Practice Tests

Snowdonia Adventure Training Weekend

This activity has been postponed until the last weekend in September (28th and 29th).

A new event sheet will go up on the board. Priority goes to cadets who already had their names down to go.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Exams and Training Programme Plan


25 Jun 2013
Leading - No2C
  • Weekley
  • Mead
  • Teichman
  • Haynes
  • Donley
Current 1st Class Cadets - No2C

Current Senior Cadets - No3

Junior Cadets - No2C (Dark Blue)

27 Jun 2013
Senior and Master Exams - No2C
  • Wilby
  • Johnfinn
  • Goodfellow
  • Deacon T
  • Deacon A
  • Thorne
Current 1st Class Cadets - No2C

Current Leading Cadets - No3

Junior Cadets - No2C (Dark Blue)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Senior Cadet Exam - Inertial Navigation Systems

To those taking the Senior Cadet Air Nav exam next week, it would be useful if you read through my notes on inertial navigation systems.

Available here:

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Senior Cadet Air Nav Revision Tests Complete

I've now completed the full set of revision tests for the Senior Cadet air nav exam, which will take place next week.

Note: They display best when downloaded to your computer. You can do this from the file menu. I can also print copies at the squadron if you require.

If you complete these at home and want them marking before next week then you can email your answers to I will respond with feedback as soon as I can.

Senior Cadet Air Nav Practice Tests

Shooting Team Qualification Results

The qualification shoot to determine the shooting team was shot this evening and I am now please to announce the the following cadets are on the 2393 Squadron Shooting Team:

Teichman, Thorne, Deacon A, Wilby, Deacon T and Johnfinn

Well done to all 6 of you, a training day will be scheduled soon.

In addition, Weekley and Smith will act as first and second reserves to the team.

Scores from the shoot are below, highest possible score was 200.

Teichman - 182
Thorne - 177
Deacon A - 174
Wilby - 172
Deacon T - 171
Johnfinn - 170
Weekley - 169
Smith - 105
Donley - 103
Andrews - 97

Thursday, June 13, 2013

No8 Rifle Competition Shoot Result

The results from our competition shoot are as follows, well done to Cdt Teichman. Maximum possible score was 160.

Teichman - 132
Donley - 123
Boyle - 119
Horner - 105
Bowles - 69
Andrews - 57

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Plan For Leading, Senior and Master Exams

Exam dates are as follows:

Leading - Principles of flight - 25 JUN 13
Senior - Air navigation - 27 JUN 13
Master - Pilot navigation 25 JUN 13

Cadet will only be sitting one module as detailed above, the second module will be sat later in the year.

Cadets who have recently pass First Class will not be taking exams in June.

All powerpoint lessons as produced by HQ Air Cadets are available here and should be used for your revision.

I will also be creating some revision tests, which are optional for you to complete. These revision tests will be uploaded to to blog as and when I have time to create them. Please complete them at your leisure and hand them in to be marked.

Leading Cadet Lessons
Lift, weight, thrust drag 1:
Lift, weight, thrust drag 2:
Stability and manoeuvrability 1:
Stability and manoeuvrability 2:
Stability and manoeuvrability 3:
Helicopters 1:
Helicopters 2:

Senior Cadet Lessons
Distance, speed and time:
Triangle of velocities:
1 in 60 rule:

Master Cadet Lessons
Navigational aids:
Map reading:
Flight planning:

Silver D of E Presentation Materials

For those producing the Silver D of E presentation, your files can be accessed here:

Shooting Team Qualification Shoot

As previously advised the 6 members of the shooting team will need to re-qualify to maintain their position within the team. Any other cadet who wants to be considered for the team will need to attend this shoot. I am also looking for two shooting team reserve cadets, who can step in should one of the six be unavailable.

The qualification shoot (date TBA) will take place under competition rules, which will be advised on the day. Cadets will fire 15 rounds at 3 targets (1 round per diagram), which will consist of 5 rounds prone, 5 rounds standing and 5 rounds kneeling using the air rifle. 

The 6 highest scoring cadets will form the 2393 shooting team. A position on the team is something all cadets who are interested in marksmanship training should aspire to achieve.

An events list is on the notice board, I look forward to seeing it full of names! If you have any questions do ask. 

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Shooting Team Air Rifle Competition Shoot - Updated

Details for Sat 08th June are as follows:

09:30 - 10:45

11:00 - 12:00
FS Longman

12:15 - 13:30
Deacon A
Deacon T

This is the last round of the competition, make it count!

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Dates For Your Diary

08 JUN - Shooting team air rifle competition

14 - 16 JUN - Stock Fete (all to attend)

29 JUN - Great Burstead Church fete

14 JUL - Wing parade (all to attend)

01 SEP - Donkey Derby

07 SEP - Inter Squadron swimming competition

17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country

Monday, June 03, 2013

Green Camp

The Annual Adventure Training and Leadership Camp (Green Camp) has been advertised and will be taking place during half term week, 26 Oct - 02 Nov.

The camp allows cadets to take part in many adventure training activities, leadership tasks and shooting (both No8 and L98A2).

Cost to cadets is £110 (£50 deposit by 20 Jul and final payment by 14 Oct - latest), cost to staff cadets is £60 (£50 and £10 respectively).

Note: Payment for this camp is non-refundable.

To allow for the necessary administration, cadets are to register their interest on the event sheet and provide me with the £50 deposit by 27 Jun. Cheques to be made payable to '2393 Billericay Air Cadets'.

Parade Night 04 Jun

All cadets are to attend in No2C.

Recruits to attend is school uniform and are to bring any issued uniform with them. You should also have bought or be very close to buying your parade shoes and boots. If you have bought shoes then please wear these on parade nights.

USA Aviation Experience Camp 2014

Kent Wing are running a camp to the World's 2nd Fly-in, taking place in Florida, USA.

Dates: 26 Mar - 09 Apr 2014
Cost: £950 (includes insurance, flights, accommodation, food and transport)

Poster viewable here:

The camp is very educational, cadets attend practical workshops, help organisers in the running of the event, have the chance to meeting many pilots and go flying.

Cadets must be 16 years old on day of departure.

This is during school term time, however letters can be provided for you to request time off should you need them.

One of our cadets attended this last year and described it as the best cadet camp he had ever been on. This is an excellent opportunity and well worth applying for if you are able to.

Anyone wishing to apply needs to advise us before 30th Jun 2013.

Friday, May 31, 2013

L98A2 Training

Reminder this is taking place at Hutton Sqn from 09:30 to 17:00, dress is No3.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2393 Recruitment Strategy

Everyone on squadron is responsible for recruitment of new cadets and staff. What with our numbers having noticeably dropped over 2013 it's even more important for all staff and cadets to try and attract new people to join us.

As a squadron we have actively tried to distribute posters in both Mayflower and Billericay schools. However, I hear that many teachers just put these in the bin rather than read them out, which was rather disappointing to say the least. We have also tried getting ourselves in local papers, magazines and have been very active on Twitter.

We successfully recruited three new cadets last month. This was also combined with recruiting a new staff member, Mr Pridmore who joins us as a Civilian Instructor. This is a great start but we must strive to do even more.

Now we need you to do your small but very significant part in this campaign. Talk to your friends at school about the squadron, what we do and how you enjoy it (I hope!). Word of mouth is more powerful than posters, news stories and Twitter put together.

If you know people who are interested in joining then ask if you can take their phone number or email address so we can get in contact with them. If they don't want to give their details over then pass on the squadron's details and ask them to contact us:

Telephone: 01277 652794
Twitter: @2393aircadets

I really don't want our numbers to drop any lower and as always the threat of loosing squadron status and being reduced to a detached flight of another squadron always lingers in the background. Our aim is to run our next induction after the summer holidays, so I would like to get a list of new recruits building up before then while you're all still at school.

Thanks in advance for your help with this and lets really try to get 2393 Squadron parading 30+ cadets again!

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Air Rifle Shooting Scores

Air rifle shooting scores from this evening's detail are as follows.

Boyle - 80/100 - Squadron Marksman
Haynes - 80/100 - Squadron Marksman
Horner - 65/100

Bowles - 170/200 - Wing Marksman
Smith - 150/200

Well done to all cadets, there was a significant improvement from everyone and even more encouraging for over half of you to get marksmans.

Parade Night This Evening

The following cadets are going to the climbing wall and are to attend in civvies:

Deacon A
Deacon T

All other cadets are to attend in No3.

Sorry for the late notice.

RAF Henlow Work Experience Camp 01 - 05 JUL

Middlesex Wing have advised that they are likely to have several male and female spaces on their work experience camp to RAF Henlow taking place from 01 - 05 July.

Any cadets wishing to attend need to let me know ASAP so I can try and secure places.

Dates For Your Diary

01 / 02 JUN - L98A2 training and WHTs

02 JUN - Inter Wing athletics (Cdt Donley)

14 - 16 JUN - Stock Fete (all to attend)

29 JUN - Great Burstead Church fete

06 - 07 JUL - Snowdonia adventure training weekend

14 JUL - Wing parade (all to attend)

07 SEP - Inter Squadron swimming competition

17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country

Thursday, May 23, 2013

D of E Kit Check

Cadets going to the silver expedition this weekend are to bring their kit in tonight for a check.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

                                                        URGENT NOTICE

Until further notice cadets and staff MUST NOT travel to and from the Squadron in uniform unless they are in a private motor vehicle

The concession to travel on foot,  by bicycle or public transport in uniform, or part uniform , is temporarily suspended.

This does not effect organised Squadron activities that require uniform to be worn

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Silver D of E Expedition

The kit list is available here:

All kit (unless marked optional) is required and must be bought up on Tuesday for a check.

Some cadets still need to pay the £40 fee and all cadets need to fill in and return consent forms available here:
If required CC4:

We will be leaving at 19:30 on Friday 24 MAY, cadets should have dinner before attending. You may bring a small pack for the outward and return bus journey to contain snacks, drinks etc. This will remain on the bus during the assessment. You may also wish to bring some money to purchase food etc on-route as we will be stopping for a break at least once.

We plan to be back on Monday 27 MAY from 19:00, depending on traffic.

Parade Night 21 MAY

The following cadets will be going to the climbing wall and are to attend in civvies:

Smith C

All other cadets to attend in No3.

Silver D of E cadets attending next weekends expedition are to attend with all kit pack ready for checking. See separate post (coming shortly) for kit list.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

ACO League Air Rifle Competition Round 4 Results

Results are now in for the 4th round of the national air rifle competition as detailed below. There are now a total of 117 cadets and 33 teams taking part in this competition. It was very encouraging to see that every cadet on the team showed improvement in comparison to round 3 and as a result the teams positions have been significantly improved. Well done to all.

Team Scores (Round 4)

Team A - 1442 / 1800 - 13th
Team B - 1353 / 1800 - 21st

Individual Scores (Round 4)

Team A
Johnfinn - 505/600 - 31st
FS Longman - 475 / 600 - 42nd
Deacon T - 462 / 600 - 48th

Team B
Thorne - 454 / 600 - 53rd
Wilby - 451 / 600 - 57th
Deacon A - 448 / 600 - 58th

Overall Competition Positions:

Team A - 14th
Team B - 20th

FS Longman - 34th
Wilby - 47th
Deacon T - 48th
Deacon A - 53rd
Thorne - 60th
Johnfinn - 88th

L98A2 Training and WHT Weekend

Essex Wing South Sector are running training and WHTs for the L98A2 rifle on 01 and 02 June.

To attend cadets must be aged 14+, have been trained on, hold a current WHT and fired the No8 rifle. Ideally, cadets should also be a 1st class shot (achieve a 50mm group with 5 rounds) on the No8.

Two lists will go up tonight for cadets to register their interest in attending either the Saturday or Sunday training days. Deadline for return is this Thursday.

Air Rifle Postal Shoot Round 5

The 5th and final round of the air rifle postal shoot will be held this Saturday 18 May. There will be 3 sessions available as follows.

Detail 1: 08:30 - 09:45
Detail 2: 10:00 - 11:15
Detail 3: 11:30 - 12:45

Members of the Squadron Shooting Team are to advise which slot they would like.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Shooting Team Air Rifle Shoot 11 May

The shooting details will run as listed below.

Detail 1: 08:30 - 10:00
FS Longman

Detail 2: 10:15 - 11:45

Detail 3: 16:00 - 17:30
Deacon A
Deacon T

Good shooting!

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Shooting Team Air Rifle Shoot

Round 4 of the air rifle competition shoot is being held this Sat 11th May. The day will be split into 1.5 hour slots (early am, late am and early pm). Members of the shooting team are to advise me which slot they prefer.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Parade Night Details for 09 May

All cadets to attend in No3 DPM.

The following cadets will be going No8 shooting on Thursday:
Smith G

Ensure you bring your 3822 and do not be late.

Inter Wing 5-A-Side Football Competition

London and South East Region have arranged for the Inter Wing 5-A-Side football competition to take place on 23 JUNE, transport leaves 276 (Chelmsford) Squadron at 08:45.

Essex Wing Football Team are looking for the following players:

ONE Male Junior Team Competitor must be under 16 years old on 01 SEP 2012
ONE Male Composite Team Competitor must be over 14 years old on 01 SEP 2012
ONE Female Team Competitor must be at least 13 years and 1 month old (Very small female players may not be allowed to play)

Any cadets who want to be considered for the Essex Wing team need to register their interest ASAP. You must provide me written details of your preferred position and any relevant experience.

Successful candidates will be informed in a couple of weeks time.

Details for Tonight (07 MAY)

The following cadets will be going to the climbing wall and will need to attend wearing civvies:

Smith C

All remaining cadets are a to attend wearing No3 DPM

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Silver D of E Practice Expedition Completed

We have just got back from the South Downs where six cadets completed their Silver D of E practice expedition. Joining us on this expedition was the Squadron's Chairman Chris Donley. 

Day 1 started with constant rain all morning, however this cleared by lunch time and quite pleasant weather continued for the remainder of the weekend. All cadets proved their excellent navigation skills and were able to complete the walks unassisted. These cadets will go on to their assessed expedition, taking place in the Peak District later this month.  

Cadets who have not yet completed a Bronze expedition are reminded that 1483 (Brentwood) squadron have offered us an opportunity to attend a practice expedition next weekend (11 - 12 May), I hope to see as many of you there as possible.

A few pictures from the silver practice are below.

Group photo day 1 in the wind and rain

Staff and minibus waiting at quite a scenic checkpoint

Group photo near the end of day 1

Gliding Photos

A few photos below from the recent days gilding at 614 VGS.

Cdt Andrews with parachute on waiting for take-off

Preparing to launch a glider



Friday, May 03, 2013

Bronze D of E Practice Expedition

1483 (Brentwood) Squadron have offered us places on a Bronze D of E practice over the weekend of 11 - 12 May. Any cadet who has not started the bronze D of E is eligible to attend this and will be a good chance to progress on the D of E scheme.

As this is a short notice event can anyone wishing to attend please send an email to as soon as you know you are available.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Sqn

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Fun Walk Sponsorship

Each year the squadron enters into the Billericay Fun Walk in order to raise much needed funds for projects we run throughout the year. The event this year is taking place on 19 May, as many cadets  as possible should attend and all cadets regardless of attending should raise sponsorship money. After all the money goes towards activities and equipment that you will all benefit from.

The Officer Commanding and CWC Chairman have put the letter included below together for parents to read. An electronic copy of the sponsor forms is also available below. These will also be distributed to cadets this evening. I personally distributed this around the office where I work and within one hour managed to secure £75 in sponsors. It would be great if you could do the same. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Letter to parents:
Sponsor forms:

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Uniform Tonight

Uniform is No2C for all cadets.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Athletics Medals for 2393

Excellent efforts to both cadets Donley and Barker for attending the inter squadron athletics competition, which took place over the weekend.

Well done to Cdt Donley who bought home junior boy's 1st place in the discuss and 3rd in 400m. He will now be entered into the Essex Wing team to compete in the Regional athletics competition in Crawley on 02 June 2013. We all wish you the best of luck!

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dress For 30 APR 13 - Updated

Dress for silver D of E cadets be No2C.

Dress for all other cadets No3.

Inter Squadron Athletics Briefing

Due to the squadron minibus being unserviceable cadets need to make their own way to the inter squadron athletics tomorrow. You will need to be at:

Chelmsford Sport & Athletic Centre
Salerno Way

Arrive at 08:30 with your 3822, packed lunch, water bottle, warm clothing, sun cream.

Dress is sports kit, no outlandish style clothing is to be worn.

Parents can either stay and watch the competition, cheering on our entries or collect cadets at the end of the day. End time is unknown but I expect to be finished by late afternoon.

Sgt R Davis (ATC)
2393 Squadron

Monday, April 22, 2013

Falklands Competition Results

As you all heard at dining in night we were very pleased to be able to enter a team into the Falklands competition this year, despite them being a non-competing team as they didn't meet the eligibility criteria. A total of 31 teams entered and we came 22nd overall, which is a good position considering the circumstances and little training we did. All team members were awarded deservedly a Squadron Commander's Certificate of Merit, well done everyone. The results for each activity are listed below.

Overall position: 22nd 

Navigation exercised: 17th
Kit check: 27th
Map reading: 5th
Archery: 1st
First aid: 29th
Campcraft: 30th
Shooting: 17th
Initiative test: 19th
Bearings: 28th
Speed march: 25th
Air rifle: 5th
Missile race: 19th
Static target marking: 23rd
Observation test: 16th

Sir Chris Hoy to Become Ambassador to the ACO

Six times Olympic gold medalist Sir Chris Hoy has accepted an invitation to become an ambassador to the Air Cadet Organisation. He will be appointed the rank of Honorary Group Captain and will be spending spending time with cadets at major events, promoting the cadet experience. More can be read here:

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Falklands Team Parent Consent Forms

Can all Falklands team members print, complete and bring with you Forms CC1, CC3 and if you have a medical condition CC4. They can be downloaded at the following links:


You also need to bring a typed copy of your food for each day.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

ACO League Air Rifle Competition Round 3

Results are now in for the 3rd round of the national air rifle competition as detailed below. There are now a total of 114 cadets and 33 teams taking part in this competition. We are mid table, which is a good place to be, well done to all. An additional well done to Cdt Johnfinn for coming in partway through the competition to fill the space on Team A.

Team Scores (Round 3)

Team A - 1366 / 1800 - 17th
Team B - 1289 / 1800 - 24th

Individual Scores (Round 3)

Team A
SGT Longman - 493 / 600 - 33rd
Deacon T - 443 / 600 - 58th
Johnfinn - 430/600 - 63rd

Team B
Wilby - 464 / 600 - 48th
Deacon A - 434 / 600 - 61st
Thorne - 391 / 600 - 76th

Overall Competition Positions:

Team A - 17th
Team B - 22nd

SGT Longman - 35th
Wilby - 51st
Deacon T - 52nd
Deacon A - 53rd
Thorne - 64th
Johnfinn - 100th

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

New Badge Layout For Brasard

Dress regulations for the Air Training Corps have been changed therefore position of badges on the brassard need to now be changed to reflect the new regulations.

Squadron Identification Badge (2393)

To be worn centrally 6mm from top edge of the brassard.

Distinguishing Badge (Air Training Corps)

To be worn in a central position immediately below the identification badge.

Classification Badge

To be worn in a central position immediately below the distinguishing badge.

Marksmanship Badges

To be worn on the bottom left edge position of rectangle approximately 6mm from the bottom of brassard.

You need to have implemented the above changes by the end of the month.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Uniform Tonight 02 APR 13

Berlin presentation cadets - No2C

Falklands cadets - No3 (Berlin presentation takes priority over Falklands)

Remaining cadets - No3

Monday, April 01, 2013

Silver D of E Practice

Those cadets who wish to reserve a place on the silver d of e practice expedition to the South Downs need to bring in £20 cash by Thursday.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Dates For Your Diary

12 - 14 APR - Falklands memorial shield competition

13 APR - Gliding

18 APR - Presentation evening

20 APR - Dining in night

21 APR - Dining in clean-up

27 APR - Shooting team air rifle competition

28 APR - Inter squadron athletics

04 - 05 MAY - South Downs silver DofE practice

25 - 27 MAY - Peak District silver DofE expedition

06 - 07 JUL - Snowdonia adventure training weekend

14 JUL - Wing parade

07 SEP - Inter squadron swimming competition

17 NOV - Inter squadron cross country

Silver D of E Expedition Plan

As the Silver D of E practice had to be cancelled this weekend due to the expected poor weather in the Peak District we have now re-planned dates to allow completion of this.

Practice expedition will now take place 04th - 05th MAY in the South Downs.

Assessed expedition will be 24th (evening) - 27th MAY in the Peak District (Edale)

Lists are up on the notice board for you to reserve yourself a place. Questions to either Mr Pether or myself.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spare camp places to RAF Northolt

Essex Wing have advertised several spare places to the RAF Northolt annual camp taking place on the 03 - 10 APR 2013. Annual camp offers great opportunities to potentially fly, visit and work with sections of the Air Force, shoot No8 and L98A2 weapons and live in the airman's mess. RAF Northolt is also home to 32 (The Royal) Squadron, who are responsible for the transport of high ranking officers, key members of the government and the royal family.

Should you want to take up this opportunity then you need to come and see me ASAP, as places will go very quickly.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron