Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Llanbedr Adventure Training Camp

1312 (Southend) Squadron are arranging an adventure training camp to Llanbedr in North Wales. The dates for this are 05 APR 2014 to 12 APR 2014. Note these dates conflict with the Falklands Competition.

The camp is open to all enrolled cadets who are at least 14 years of age and physically fit. The cost is £130, which includes food, accommodation and activities.

Activities include:
  • Hill walking
  • Mountain biking
  • Canoeing
  • High ropes
  • Orienteering
  • Pony trekking
An activities list will be placed on the notice board and you will be required to return a cheque for £50 payable to '1312 ATC Squadron'.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Well done and a big thank you to all cadets and staff who packed and donated a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child. Today we dropped off our boxes and stayed to pack even more at the Church. All these types of activities get us noticed in the community, go towards our submission to Essex Wing for the George Leonard Cup (for the Squadron community involvement) and makes a difference to a good cause. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

Remember to bring your shoeboxes up to the Squadron by Thursday 14th at the latest. 

You need to include a £3.00 donation, which you can either do by placing cash in the envolope attached to your leaflet, or by paying online and printing your reference number off. I personally paid online, it's quite simple and more of your money will go direct to the charity.

If anyone doesn't have a shoebox then you can still get all your gifts together. We'll take them to the Church and pack them into a box there.

We will also be attending the shoebox collection and packing day on Saturday 16 Nov. Rev Paul Carr, Padre and myself would really appreciate some help on this day. We will be meeting at the squadron for 10:00 and you can stay to help for as long as you are able to do so. Parents are also welcome to attend if they want to.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Dates To Note

Be aware of the following:

14 NOV - Bring your Operation Christmas Child boxes in - See leaflet handed out today for more information.

16 NOV - Operation Christmas Child, packing of gift boxes at Emmanuel Church. Rev Paul Carr would appreciate some cadet help to pack additional boxes.

16 NOV - CWC Quiz night - Would be great to see some cadet teams entered. Submit these to the CWC during canteen.

17 NOV - Inter Squadron Cross Country - Help represent 2393 against all squadrons in Essex!

23 NOV - Shooting Team Air Rifle Competition Round 1 - 1hr 30min slots

30 NOV - L98A2 shoot at RAF Honington

Remembrance Weekend

Sat 09 NOV - Poppy Appeal
Ferriss Flight: 09:00 - 12:30.
Bader Flight: 13:00 - 16:30.

Dress is No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumper).
Eat Breakfast / Lunch BEFORE you attend as you will be standing for a long period of time.

Sun 10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday
08:30 at the squadron.
Dress is No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumper).

Church service starts 09:15 at Emmanuel Church - Parents Welcome.

Parade will move off from Laindon Road at 10:30 - Again Parents Welcome.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Climbing Wall Tuesday 05 NOV 2013

The following cadets will be attending the climbing wall on 05 NOV 2013:
  • Andrews
  • Barker
  • Boyle
  • Deacon A
  • Goodfellow
  • Horner
  • Smith
  • Wilby
These cadets are to attend squadron at 19:00 hrs and are advised to bring a bottle of water.