Thursday, November 28, 2019

Cadet Portal

The new Cadet Portal is due to go live for Essex squadrons this coming Monday 2nd December.

We have been going through a process of requesting updated contact information so that cadets will be e-mailed login information for the cadet portal on that day.

Whichever e-mail address is stored against a cadet will be sent a welcome e-mail on Monday.

If no e-mail is received on Monday, please check your "SPAM" folder in case it has been directed in there. If it still isn't found, it may be that we have the e-mail address incorrectly and they should let us know as soon as possible.

In the mean time, there are a couple of videos that have been produced by the development team for cadets and parents alike.

We strongly suggest cadets to take the time to watch the cadet briefing video (28 minutes long!) and that parents watch at least the briefing for parents (2 minutes long!)

Click on the links below:

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

CWC & Squadron Association Special Meeting - Thu 16th May 7pm @ Squadron HQ


To all parents/guardians/carers of 2393 cadets..
As you know one of the most important events of the year for our Squadron, the Stock Flower Festival (21st-23rd June 2019), is fast approaching and the time is now to make our plans firm in order to support our cadets to the best of our ability. The Stock Flower Festival is an event thoroughly enjoyed by all the cadets and which develops them and teaches them a great deal.

Therefore, the significance of the event calls for a special meeting to confirm our plans and seek your support. Your help will be greatly appreciated in any format and duration it can be offered, be it in preparation for or during the event.

Please be invited to our next Squadron Committee Meeting on Thursday 16th May, 7pm at the ATC Squadron, during which we intend to plan our activities for the Stock Flower Festival.

Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Kind regards,

Marina Hallworth, Chair

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dates for your Diary

Below is the current list of known significant dates for 2019 (subject to change):
SAT 27 April - Billericay Town Council Litter Pick
SUN 28 April - Inter Squadron Athletics Competition

SUN 12 May - Potential JNCO Assessment/Selection day

POSTPONED SAT 08 JUN - PRESIDENT's DAY - Inter-flight competitions - Help your flight win the trophy
FRI 21 - SUN 23 June - Stock Flower Festival - ALL EXPECTED on SAT 22
SAT 29 June - Armed Forces Day Parade - ALL EXPECTED



SUN 01 SEP - Donkey Derby, Stock - Community Support - high attendance needed
SUN 08 SEP - Fun Walk, Barleylands - Squadron fund-raising & Community support
SUN 08 SEP - Wing Field Competitions Day - high attendance needed


SAT 02 NOV (pm) - Lake Meadows Fireworks - ALL EXPECTED
SUN 03 NOV (am) - Lake Meadows Clean-up - ALL EXPECTED
SUN 10 NOV (am) - Remembrance Sunday Parade - ALL EXPECTED


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

IMPORTANT - Revised date for Stock Flower Festival Weekend


There is a change to the date previously advised for the Stock Flower Festival weekend.

The date is now FRI 21 - SUN 23 JUN

All cadets will be required on SAT 22 JUN and as many as possible on SUN 23 JUN. Cadets will be invited to assist with the Dinner/Party on FRI 21.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Dates For Your diary


Below is the current list of known significant dates for 2019 (subject to change):


TUE 26 MAR - Lees Trophy Inspection by Regional Commandant


SAT 06 April - Falklands Memorial Trophy Competition
SUN 28 April - Inter Squadron Athletics Competition



FRI 21 - SUN 23 June - Stock Flower Festival - ALL EXPECTED on SAT 22
SAT 29 June - Armed Forces Day Parade - ALL EXPECTED




SUN 01 SEP - Brentwood Lions Donkey Derby, Stock - Community Support 
SUN 08 SEP - Fun Walk, Barleylands - Squadron fund-raising & Community support



SAT 02 NOV (pm) - Lake Meadows Fireworks - ALL EXPECTED
SUN 03 NOV (am) - Lake Meadows Clean-up - ALL EXPECTED
SUN 10 NOV (am) - Remembrance Sunday Parade - ALL EXPECTED


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

AEF - Tuesday 19 FEB 19

We have been given the green light for AEF flying today.

Those selected to go flying should meet at the Squadron at 0930.

Please remember to bring your F3822 and signed AvMed01 - without these you can't fly.

Uniform - No2c. Suggest to bring trainers and sunglasses.
Bring packed lunch / snacks, drinks etc.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Dining-in, Enrolment & Presentation Evening 2019

Our annual dining-in, enrolment and presentation evening will be held at Squadron HQ, Laindon Road on Saturday 9th March.

Cadets will be bringing home an invite letter.

As we have a much bigger squadron this year we are having to limit initial allocations to 2 guests per cadet. Further places may be available if not all are taken up in the initial phase.

Please see the invite letter & request form for details.

A copy of the invite letter can be found here: Dining-In 2019 Invite Letter

Initial returns are requested no later than Friday 15th February

Apologies for the short turn-around time, but we only received confirmation of availability of the venue very recently and given the two-phase approach to guest place allocation this year, we must move quickly! 

Saturday, February 02, 2019

AEF Saturday 02 FEB 19

The 5AEF answer machine message states that morning flying has been cancelled, however, no decision has yet been made on afternoon flying. 

This means you will still need to travel to Hutton Squadron as briefed.

There is the potential that you might start your journey only to be turned-around en-route. Or... you might still get some flying !!