Thursday, October 30, 2014

Leading Revision Materials

The following revision material has been made available for you to use in the run-up to your exams. The first subject you need to work on is Principles of Flight. Basic Navigation and Principles of Airmanship will then follow.

Principles of Flight, this is what you have been studying in lessons:
Lift and weight
Drag and thrust
Flight controls and trimming

Basic Navigation will also be taught in lessons:
Finding your position using a map
Types of north
The compass
Land navigation methods

Principles of Airmanship, the aircraft knowledge sections are self-study, but you will be taught about air traffic control and the rules of the air:
Air traffic control
Rules of the air
Aircraft roles - Self-study
No1 Group, air combat - Self-study
No2 Group, air support part 1 - Self-study
No2 Group, air support part 2 - Self-study
Helicopters - Self-study
Training aircraft - Self-study
Historic aircraft - Self-study

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Operation Christmas Child

The Squadron will be involved with the charity Operation Christmas Child again this year. This is a charity that sends decorated shoe boxes filled with gifts to those children in countries far less fortunate that our own. Most of these children will have never received a Christmas present in their lifetime. More information about the charity can be found on their website.

We are encouraging each cadet to decorate a shoebox and fill it with appropriate gifts. Boxes can contain any of the following:
  • Toiletries
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap
  • Flannels
  • Combs
  • Brushes
  • Sweets: haribo or boiled sweets but NOT chocolate
  • Small toys: tennis balls, cards, dominoes, teddies
  • Educational equipment: pens, paper, pencils, colouring books, rubbers, pencil sharpeners
  • Woollens: hats, scarves, gloves
Leaflets will be made available at the squadron, which contain more ideas and instructions on how to complete your box. The pound shop in Billericay has many items on sale that are appropriate.

Boxes need to be handed into the squadron by 13 NOV.

We will also be attending a shoe box packing morning on 15 NOV. Any volunteers for this activity will be appreciated.

RBL Poppy Collection Briefing 02 NOV 2014

Many of you are away at ATLC or have leave over half term, therefore the briefing for this years poppy collection is below. The event has been advertised on final parade for many weeks, so shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

This event is mandatory and all cadets are expected to attend. Absence will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances, explained in writing from a parent / guardian. As yet no letters from parents / guardians have been received.

Date: SUNDAY 02 NOV 2014

The day will be split into 2 shifts:

  1. Ferriss Flight 10:00hrs until 13:30hrs
  2. Bader Flight 13:30hrs until 17:00hrs

Arrival / collection:
  • From the Squadron 

  • No2 (Light blue shirt, tie and jumpers)
  • Uniform is to be of the highest standard
  • Foul weather jackets are to be bought

Food and drink:
  • The AM shift are to ensure they eat breakfast before attending
  • The PM shift are to ensure they eat lunch before attending
  • Cadets are to bring a bottle of water with them

Dates For The Calendar

Note the following dates for your calendar:

02 NOV - RBL Poppy Collection, All Cadets Must Attend (Ferriss Flight 10:00 - 13:30, Bader Flight 13:30 - 17:00)
08 NOV - Billericay Firework Night
09 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade, All Cadets Must Attend
15 NOV - Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Filling
15 NOV - RAF Honington L98A2 Rage Day
16 NOV - Inter Squadron Cross Country
06 DEC - Leading, Senior and Master Exam Session
14 DEC - Christmas Carol Service
16 DEC - Christmas Party (Squadron Closes For Christmas)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Silver D of E

Date: 25 OCT 2014
Meeting time: 07:00
Place: 2393 Squadron
Bring: All kit on list, consent form and £30 (if not handed in already)

27 OCT 2014
Time: 18:00 approx
Place: 2393 Squadron

Green Camp Details

The transport plan for Green Camp is as follows:

25 OCT 2014
Arrive at 09:30 for a 10:00 departure
2243 (Basildon) Squadron
Cherrydown West
SS16 5AN

01 NOV 2014
2243 (Basildon) Squadron
Cherrydown West
SS16 5AN

Cadets are to travel in civilian clothing. All items on the kit list should be packed, 3822 - record of service books need to be taken.

If you have not yet paid your £70 final payment then this will need to be bought in on your return.