Friday, December 27, 2013

Corps Air Rifle Competition Round 1 Results

The results from round 1 of the National Air Rifle Competition are in and I'm very please indeed! There are 19 teams comprising of 56 cadets involved with the competition.

We have entered two teams as follows:
Team A: Johnfinn, Wilby and Deacon A
Team B: Cpl Deacon T, Cpl Thorne and Teichman

Team Scores (Round 1)
Team A - 1452 / 1800 - 5th
Team B - 1379 / 1800 - 7th

Individual Scores (Round 1)
Johnfinn - 497 / 600 - 14th
Wilby - 490 / 600 - 15th
Cpl Thorne - 474/600 - 20th
Teichman - 467 / 600 - 23th
Deacon A - 465 / 600 - 25th
Cpl Deacon T - 456 / 600 - 28th

Very well done to all 6 cadets, excellent scores and lets look forward to climbing further up the leader board for round 2. If any of you are interested in seeing the full scoring list of the other teams please let me know.