Saturday, January 19, 2013

ACO League Air Rifle Competition Round 1

I have received the results of our scoring position against all other squadron taking part in this competition.

A total of 33 teams (99 cadets) are taking part of which our squadron has 2 teams (6 cadets). The scores are issued for each team and also for each individual cadet.

After round 1 2393 Team A is positioned 14th (1367 points) and 2393 Team B is positioned 23rd (1225 points).

The team that came first was 96 (Dewsbury) squadron with 1622 points. The team that came last was 2476 (Hutton) squadron with 736 points... I tried not to laugh but couldn't help it :-)

Individual positions are as follows:

Moore - 34th
Sgt Longman - 44th
Deacon. T - 51st
Wilby - 62nd
Deacon. A - 69th
Thorne - 70th

In all we are well positioned in the middle of the table and have 4 more rounds to go. Best of luck for round 2, which should be conducted by Mr LaRoche in my absence and I look forward to hearing the results once I'm back in February.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron

Friday, January 18, 2013

                                                OITWO CAMPS ON OFFER9S

Essex Wing are on standby to fill any empty places for the Gibraltar Camps details are

Camp 1 - 1 – 8 Apr 13
Camp 2 - 1 – 8 Aug 13
Camp 3 - 8 – 15 Aug 13
Camp 4 - 15 – 22 Aug 13
Camp 5 - 22 – 29 Aug 13

There may also be an Autumn Camp.

The cost of the air fare and ATC insurance will be £260 with a recommendation that cadets take £120 to pay for messing and activities etc, €20 to spend when they are on the visit to Spain and whatever spending money they feel they need whilst in Gibraltar. 

Interest to Mr Kent as soon as possible

Windemere Adventure Training week 25th May to 1st June 2013 inclusive.

Location National Air Cadet Adventure Training Centre Windermere (NACATC) during
the week 25th May to 1st June 2013 inclusive.

This course fulfils one element towards the Diploma in Public services.
The programmed activities include Expedition and DEA training, abseiling, rock-climbing,
canoeing, mountain cycling, leadership development for some and consolidation of basic
navigation skills learnt as part of the BTEC award which all cadets should be working
towards. The course aims to improve the development of personal skills, and promotes
character building and teamwork. Travel is by coach and the fully inclusive cost of the
course is expected to be £120.
 Eligibility: Cadets must be enrolled and physically fit to take a full and active part in the activities

Those cadets interested speak to Mr Pether as soon as possible

Saturday, January 05, 2013

Staff First Aid Training Day

All squadron staff attended a first aid refresher training day today. We all passed the emergency first aid at work course a year ago and in keeping with good practice had a one day refresher in order to keep our knowledge current.

We went into quite some depth covering not only the basics of CPR, bandaging, burns and treating sock but also advanced subjects such as treating gunshot wounds, knife / stabbing injuries, casualty evacuation and defibrillator training.

Below are a few photos of the day.

Mr LaRoche having a head dressing applied
Mr Pether having an arm bandage applied

Mr Pether immobilised in a stretcher after being treated for a broken leg

Friday, January 04, 2013

Postal Air Rifle Competition Confirmed Results

Confirmed results are in for round 1 from the official scorer and we did a bit better than initially expected. This is because the scorer has used a .177" plug gauge that opens the round hole to a full .177". Summary of scores below.

Team 1
Sgt Longman - 445 / 600
Deacon T - 438 / 600
Moore - 474 / 600
TOTAL - 1367 / 1800

Team 2
Wilby - 414 / 600
Deacon A - 406 / 600
Thorne - 405 / 600
TOTAL - 1225 / 1800

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron