Monday, December 24, 2012

Postal Air Rifle League Competition Round 1

After lots of scoring we have the estimated results for the first round of the postal AR league competition. The six cadets have been split into two teams of three, scores as follows:

P - Prone
S - Standing
K - Kneeling

Team 1

Sgt Longman: P1 - 92, P2 - 90, S1 - 62, S2 - 78, K1 - 43, K2 - 83, TOTAL - 448 / 600

Deacon.T: P1 - 91, P2 - 88, S1 - 54, S2 - 61, K1 - 71, K2 - 72, TOTAL - 437 / 600

Moore: P1 - 81, P2 - 81, S1 - 70, S2 - 72, K1 - 87, K2 - 81, TOTAL - 472 / 600

Team 1 Total - 1357 / 1800

Team 2

Wilby: P1 - 72, P2 - 74, S1 - 74, S2 - 65, K1 - 68, K2 - 61, TOTAL - 414 / 600

Deacon.A: P1 - 84, P2 - 88, S1 - 58, S2 - 58, K1 - 63, K2 - 73, TOTAL - 405 / 600

Thorne: P1 - 91, P2 - 86, S1 - 46, S2 - 45, K1 - 62, K2 - 73, TOTAL - 403 / 600

Team 2 Total - 1222 / 1800

Good shooting by all, it's a very challenging competition requiring strength endurance and patience. The targets are now on their way to the official scoring officer at HQAC. Work on the next round of shooting will begin in early January.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron