Saturday, January 19, 2013

ACO League Air Rifle Competition Round 1

I have received the results of our scoring position against all other squadron taking part in this competition.

A total of 33 teams (99 cadets) are taking part of which our squadron has 2 teams (6 cadets). The scores are issued for each team and also for each individual cadet.

After round 1 2393 Team A is positioned 14th (1367 points) and 2393 Team B is positioned 23rd (1225 points).

The team that came first was 96 (Dewsbury) squadron with 1622 points. The team that came last was 2476 (Hutton) squadron with 736 points... I tried not to laugh but couldn't help it :-)

Individual positions are as follows:

Moore - 34th
Sgt Longman - 44th
Deacon. T - 51st
Wilby - 62nd
Deacon. A - 69th
Thorne - 70th

In all we are well positioned in the middle of the table and have 4 more rounds to go. Best of luck for round 2, which should be conducted by Mr LaRoche in my absence and I look forward to hearing the results once I'm back in February.

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron