Wednesday, May 29, 2013

2393 Recruitment Strategy

Everyone on squadron is responsible for recruitment of new cadets and staff. What with our numbers having noticeably dropped over 2013 it's even more important for all staff and cadets to try and attract new people to join us.

As a squadron we have actively tried to distribute posters in both Mayflower and Billericay schools. However, I hear that many teachers just put these in the bin rather than read them out, which was rather disappointing to say the least. We have also tried getting ourselves in local papers, magazines and have been very active on Twitter.

We successfully recruited three new cadets last month. This was also combined with recruiting a new staff member, Mr Pridmore who joins us as a Civilian Instructor. This is a great start but we must strive to do even more.

Now we need you to do your small but very significant part in this campaign. Talk to your friends at school about the squadron, what we do and how you enjoy it (I hope!). Word of mouth is more powerful than posters, news stories and Twitter put together.

If you know people who are interested in joining then ask if you can take their phone number or email address so we can get in contact with them. If they don't want to give their details over then pass on the squadron's details and ask them to contact us:

Telephone: 01277 652794
Twitter: @2393aircadets

I really don't want our numbers to drop any lower and as always the threat of loosing squadron status and being reduced to a detached flight of another squadron always lingers in the background. Our aim is to run our next induction after the summer holidays, so I would like to get a list of new recruits building up before then while you're all still at school.

Thanks in advance for your help with this and lets really try to get 2393 Squadron parading 30+ cadets again!

R Davis
Adjutant 2393 Squadron