Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Activities w/c 28 OCT 2013

Tuesday 29 OCT
- All cadets: No2C
- New recruits: School Uniform
Thursday 31 OCT
- All cadets: No2C 
- New Recruits: School Uniform

From now until after 11 NOV all staff and cadets will wear a poppy when on ATC duties. This is to be worn in the position of the right breast pocket. This applies to all types of uniform. You can buy a poppy from Mr Kent on a parade night.

Saturday 02 NOV - Fireworks night, Lake Meadows. Briefing to take place this week at squadron.
Sunday 03 NOV - Lake Meadows clean-up. We need all cadets to help with this. Briefing to take place this week at squadron.

ACTIONS / FUTURE ACTIVITIES - be aware of the following or put your names down to attend
04 NOV 19:30 hrs - Remembrance Sunday banner rehearsal (Deacon T and Donley)
09 NOV - Poppy Appeal collection. Cadets will do either AM or PM shift TBA. - MANDATORY
10 NOV - Remembrance Sunday Parade - MANDATORY
17 NOV - Inter Squadron cross country
30 NOV - L98A2 short range shoot