Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Dining-in, Enrolment & Presentation Evening 2019

Our annual dining-in, enrolment and presentation evening will be held at Squadron HQ, Laindon Road on Saturday 9th March.

Cadets will be bringing home an invite letter.

As we have a much bigger squadron this year we are having to limit initial allocations to 2 guests per cadet. Further places may be available if not all are taken up in the initial phase.

Please see the invite letter & request form for details.

A copy of the invite letter can be found here: Dining-In 2019 Invite Letter

Initial returns are requested no later than Friday 15th February

Apologies for the short turn-around time, but we only received confirmation of availability of the venue very recently and given the two-phase approach to guest place allocation this year, we must move quickly!